Are you looking for artists to whom you give the responsibility of your soundtrack for the most important day of your life?
When you have hundreds of professionals in front of you and you have to choose which one of them will take care of the musical entertainment of your reception, it is normal to feel confused…..
I’ll shed some light, so you can do a quick first glance, without wasting too much time. It is therefore important that in front of each artist you ask yourself the following questions:
- Is it in line with the style that you want for your wedding?
Do you want an elegant and romantic wedding? Or do you prefer a super lively celebration? Or an event outside of any scheme and with a great personality? - Does the artist have a beautiful voice? Can the artist sing/play well?
This should not be taken for granted, because it is not like that. You will find many super elegantly dressed singers, who as soon as they open their mouths, they seem to have come from a karaoke bar!
- But above all … are they wedding professionals?
Because the dynamics of a wedding are complex to manage and go beyond a simple musical performance … many professional artists don’t know this, being used to doing mostly shows or concerts and only a couple of weddings a year.
If the singer you are considering has all three of these characteristics, then you can begin looking into his/her services, strengths, his/her way of working etc … perhaps with a appointment or video call.
Could we be your best choice? You will only know after reading this page to the end and discovering everything we have in store for you!
We will reveal a secret right away: during your wedding you will hardly notice anything.
The wedding couple are prey to emotions, they are continually the center of attention. Everyone seeks their attention: the photographer for photos, the guests for greetings and congratulations, etc …
In short, enjoying the big day can be more difficult than it seems.
For this reason
our first goal is to take care of any possible concerns you may have!
There shouldn’t be any problems: but if there are some unforeseen circumstances (delays, bad weather, etc …), our task is to hide them or when this is not possible, minimize them or even transform them into advantages.
This is what we mean when we talk about “a perfect wedding”. Because let’s face it, there is no perfect wedding, but only a perfect experience as such! And if this happens it is thanks to the staff (suppliers) who do everything to make this happen and the trust that the wedding couple give them.
And this happens when all suppliers collaborate and team up: this is why it is very important for us to get to know and work in harmony with other professionals during the reception, exchanging suggestions and information, so that each one helps the other.
But a wedding is not just a matter of ONE day and you will soon find out (if you haven’t already!)
the whole period before the wedding is equally important!
These months are as exciting as they are stressful! It is a journey during which you will need people to accompany you. Not from suppliers who, once the contract is signed, you will not hear from until the wedding day and whom you cannot count on for any problems.
This is why it is important for us to be there immediately:
we will read the contract together, explaining it all to you and answer all of your questions;
we will give you all the advice we have gained during our experience and, if you wish, also our opinion on the general organization of the day;
we’ll create your own personal playlist together (don’t worry we’ll do the hard work, but we’ll need to get to know you and find out what you like best);
we will assist you in applying for the SIAE permit by guiding you step by step, by telephone, along the online process, in order to avoid mistakes;
we will do a general check of the wedding to define the structure of the day together with you (and any wedding planner), and be fully aware of what is to happen on the day;
we will take care of contacting any other suppliers of your team, if we feel the need to;
And what about COVID?
We’re optimistic about the upcoming wedding season, but we realize that nothing is certain until it happens.
A very difficult period, not only for us wedding professionals, but also for all couples like you who have waited so long for this moment.
Frustration and fear is normal during this time.
But what we can promise you is that this Virus will not prevent us:
- In helping you in case the date is cancelled, by blocking your deposit and reorganizing a second date together
- to help you with any doubts or organizational perplexities resulting from this period
- to be there and not disappear completely and then reappear only when the emergency is over
- to seriously carry on with our work
- to always find the positive side, the right word, which will help us to overcome this moment
- if the wedding is to take place, but with some limitations, to still achieve our goal: to make your day unforgettable!
What will happen if you choose the wrong singers?
With a vast majority of professionals to choose from, you can easily forget everything that we offer (what we said and what we still have to say).
But other than that, you could also risk getting even worse. The wedding industry is full of impromptu suppliers:
- We know people with a beautiful voice, even friends, who are not the least bit capable of managing a wedding. Professionals? Yes, but not of the wedding industry. Choosing them would mean having a fantastic concert for a cocktail party. But at the same time an inadequate organization of entertainment.
- Other musicians have done hundreds of weddings, but they do it with sad automatic and hair-raising energy and they carry around 30-year-old equipment that it’s a miracle they still work.
- There are extravagant agencies, which however fail – obviously – to guarantee a minimum level of intimacy and personalization and send you people you have never met or have only seen in photos or videos on their website.
- There are suppliers who don’t care much about their look and go dressed to weddings as if they were going grocery shopping. The problem is that elegance is also transferred by your demeanour, in the way of working, in speaking with guests and other suppliers, etc…
Having said that, we don’t want to say that we are the only wedding professionals, on the contrary: we know several wedding professionals of high quality. The problem is that they aren’t many and – rightly so – they work a lot like us. So while you are reading these words they may (and we may!) have already occupied your date, because we are usually among the first to be chosen.
What will happen instead if you choose us?
In addition to what has already been said (great elegance, impeccable care, REAL personalization of service, attentive general and bureaucratic assistance) here are some other great advantages you will have:
- We speak a total of 5 languages (Italian, English, Spanish, French and German), therefore also ideal for international entertainment.
- We both come from the theatre, in particular from musicals, so we have a stage presence and a way of presenting and entertaining that is strong, which allows us to involve your guests with great class.
- Coming from the theater we have chosen to create special services for the more demanding: but you can read more about this further on.
- The passion for dance (both Latin American and “classic disco”) has led us not only to know how to dance: Daniel also has experience as a DJ for events.
Obviously all these aspects are in line with our greatest mission:
To make your wedding an elegant and romantic dream, making you shine in front of all your guests!
And once you confirm us for your wedding?
After confirmation and payment of a deposit, we will make an appointment together in order to get to know each other better, to learn more about you and your story.
By the day of the wedding, we would like to know you better, both because we don’t want to sing to “perfect strangers”, and because knowing something more about you would allow us to be even more in harmony with your tastes.
Always after confirming us, we will send you:
- a file with our basic repertoire, in order to contribute to the musical customization of the wedding by selecting or adding your favorite artists and songs.
- our advice in ebook format, regarding all the topics and situations that concern us or in part concern us (from Siae, to the choice of music for special moments and many other tips on general organization).
About a month before the wedding we will meet to talk more about your musical preferences and about the entertainment and we will take note of the choice of songs, especially for the special moments.
Finally, a couple of weeks before the wedding, we will do a complete and decisive check of the whole wedding (times, locations, contact persons, transfers to locations, special moments, etc…).
Our services are not for everyone. The Power of Love is your choice if:
- You believe that music is of fundamental importance for the success of your wedding and not just a simple filler in.
- You dream of an elegant and romantic wedding, as far from a tourist village atmosphere as possible.
- You want your guests to be wowed by the quality of the entertainment.
- You want YOUR wedding, which fully reflects you, different from that of your friends, where every detail can make the difference.
If the above is what you want, we can’t wait to meet you and to be part of your dream!
Lastly, before looking into our packages, it is important that you also get to know us through the words of some of the couples that we have already made happy (you will find all reviews in the dedicated section).
Cristina e Marco
Siamo piacevolmente soddisfatti di questo magnifico duo.
Il nostro era un matrimonio semplice (con poco piu’ di 50 invitati) ma volevamo comunque dare un tocco di classe e professionalità all’evento. Beh, grazie a Daniel e Valentina abbiamo trovato una grande disponibilità sin dall’inizio dall’organizzazione dei momenti importanti della giornata, sino alla scelta della scaletta.
La musica ha un ruolo fondamentale secondo il nostro punto di vista, non solo come accompagnamento ma anche come “definizione” di quello che sono i dettagli e le situazioni degne di nota durante il matrimonio.
The Power of Love è esattamente la ciliegina sulla torta che ha reso il nostro matrimonio indimenticabile! I nostri invitati sono rimasti estasiati dalla professionalità ma anche dalla simpatia e della spontaneità di questi due ragazzi. Tutto è stato eccellente: dalla cerimonia fino alla festa finale, insomma una scelta davvero azzeccata!
Consigliatissimi a tutti quelli che desiderano avere al proprio matrimonio dei cantanti professionisti e non i soliti e noiosi “pianobar”!

Tania e Alessio
In alcuni casi come in questo è molto difficile essere sintetici e al contempo riuscire a trovare le parole giuste per descrivere un’esperienza unica come quella che noi abbiamo vissuto grazie a Daniel e Valentina.
Mi sono imbattuta nei loro nomi per caso proprio su questo sito, a volte un pò di fortuna può capitare anche ai più scettici che alla fine devono ricredersi.
Abbiamo avuto l’onore di avere Daniel e Valentina al nostro matrimonio e di scoprire l’esistenza di due veri artisti, professionali, bravissimi, seri, puntuali, ineccepibili, ma soprattutto gentili, delicati, umani.
Due sognatori che con i loro sogni sono riusciti a far vivere un sogno non solo a noi, ma a tutti i presenti che sono rimasti letteralmente estasiati, non avendo mai visto nulla di simile né di così perfettamente geniale.
Parenti e amici ancora ci ringraziano per avergli fatto vivere un sogno e definendo la serata una delle più belle della loro vita e questo soprattutto grazie a loro.
Chiamarli artisti è riduttivo, poichè non si sono limitati a far musica, hanno fatto molto molto di più di questo, sono stati loro stessi con il loro modo di essere l’uno per l’altra e l’uno nell’altra, la colonna sonora del nostro matrimonio.
Abbiamo aderito alla formula “Let’s Dance” e dopo tanti sforzi a causa del mio vestito inaspettatamente ingombrante volevamo rinunciare al ballo, ma Valentina ci ha dato la forza e il coraggio, li dove noi avevamo paura lei ci ha fatto vedere la luce in un momento di oscurità… E’ stato bellissimo!
Stupendo il “Disney Show” per adulti e bambini e che avevamo scelto visto che il tema del nostro matrimonio era la fiaba, azzeccatissimo!
Non ho parole per descrivere come tutto si sia incastrato in modo così perfetto,
molto al di sopra delle mie aspettative, io ancora se ci penso mi metto a piangere.
Fidatevi di loro e lasciatevi consigliare! Non cantanti, non attori, non artisti, ma Geni!

Camilla e Carlo
L’amore in musica.
Abbiamo scelto The Power Of Love, dopo aver sentito Valentina e Daniel esibirsi in una serata d’estate. Quella sola volta ci è bastata per convincerci di volere loro al nostro matrimonio. L’intrattenimento che cercavamo era classico e romantico per la parte dell’aperitivo e cena, mentre lo volevamo brillante e festoso per la seconda parte della serata. Valentina e Daniel hanno tradotto in musica la nostra richiesta, seguendo la nostra playlist alla perfezione e dando qualche spunto in più, sempre azzeccatissimo.
La musica, durante il nostro ricevimento, aveva un ruolo di assoluta protagonista perché era la colonna sonora del nostro sogno e così è stato davvero! In ogni momento sentivo la musica che volevamo e come la volevamo.
Valentina e Daniel hanno saputo anche essere intraprendenti e risolutori in un momento di attesa, che rischiava di andare troppo per le lunghe, ma loro da veri professionisti sono prontamente intervenuti. Tutti i nostri ospiti sono stati rapiti dal loro intrattenimento: tutti, dal primo all’ultimo, mi hanno chiesto dove li avessimo trovati e quanto fosse perfetta la musica dall’inizio alla fine.
The Power Of love ha superato le nostre aspettative, al di là della loro bravura durante tutto l’evento, sono stati sempre al nostro fianco nei momenti che hanno preceduto il matrimonio, assecondando sempre le nostre richieste con grande disponibilità. Cosa dire? A chi vuole un ricevimento di classe in cui la musica risulti protagonista mai invadente, consiglio loro al 100%. Inoltre spero di poter organizzare altri eventi in cui poterli coinvolgere perché è un piacere sentirli e viverli! Grazie di esserci stati!

But let's get to our packages...
Aperitif entirely sung live
During the aperitif is definitely the best time to sing live, when the guests have just arrived and are full of energy, curiosity and expectation. There is nothing equal to the impact of live music and we recommend a Swing concert, which everyone likes because it is an evergreen type that brings everyone together: your older family and friends will listen with joy to the old hits of Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald , Luis Armstrong, and Aretha Franklyn while the younger guests will appreciate them in a more modern arrangement by Micheal Bublé, Lady Gaga, Robbie Williams...
As an alternative to the Swing concert, for those who don't like this type of music, we recommend a Pop concert.
Background playlist during lunch / dinner, mixed with live singing.
Meal time is when your guests will be sitting at the table, chatting and not having the same freedom of movement as they do during the aperitif. For this reason we strongly suggest a background playlist, at a low volume. We recommend alternating live moments with the playlist, in particular between one course and another, so as not to let the energy drop (or fatigue to step in), and involve your guests with the best current Pop/Rock hits and hits of all time.
The choice of pieces, both those in the playlist and those live, will firstly be chosen according to your taste, in order to make the soundtrack of that day truly personalized.
Bureaucratic assistance for the SIAE permit
We always prefer to help the bride and groom do it, because there are some steps that could get confusing. A couple of weeks before the wedding we will be in contact and we can do the online process, step by step, over the phone.
Transport to the place of your reception
We are based in Milan, so for all locations within a radius of about 100 km, transport is included. For areas further away a surcharge will be applied, which will be calculated in advance on the ViaMichelin website.
Availability from the aperitif to the cutting of the cake
We will arrive before the guests so that we can prepare and assemble the equipment, and to be ready for when the guests arrive.
We will be available until the cutting of the cake, after which we will allow space for any DJ you may have contacted...
...unless you choose the...
In addition to what is included already in the Base Package, the Special Package includes:
A live mixed DJ-Set
Daniel will work the console for an overwhelming Dj-Set: the party continues, above all (but not only) for the young people and the newlyweds themselves, who will finally indulge in the celebrations and the fun!
A whole day with no time limits and no extra costs exclusive
Unlike the Base Package, we will reserve the whole day for you, so as to not have a maximum time limit, but above all no extra expenses, we will be there until the last guest stops dancing (or until the location itself kicks us out!).
It is in fact the most complete package, the one that most couples choose.
If, on the other hand, you want something truly exclusive, choose the...
In addition to everything already present in the Special Package, you can add “The Wedding Show”, a themed show, characterized by costumes, accessories and/or choreography, with the choice of:
- Hollywood Mon Amour (A show of the greatest cinematic soundtracks, in perfect "Oscar awards" style)
- Disney Show (A mini-show full of colour and costumes with our favorite Disney characters)
- A Night on Broadway (The most famous musicals directly at your wedding)
- Songmania (The funniest comical and musical moments of Italian TV from the 60s and 70s)
- Little Italy (A moment that will make your guests relive the typical atmosphere of Southern Italy, played entirely live with acoustic guitar)
How much is all this worth?
For more information
or to schedule an introductory meeting,
contact us NOW
or call/WhatsApp: +39 348 9133421
We will send you our quote right away!